Welcome to the NEW BVI Calendar

What is the BVI Community Calendar?

It is a place to organize all events in one place. It’s a place to promote your events for free. It’s a place to see what’s happening around the Virgin Islands. It’s a place to make exciting plans. It’s a place where you can buy and sell tickets online for your events and processed locally and costs less than EventBright.

We also have writers that will be sharing articles of events, history, videos and more. We have big things planned for bvicalendar.com

Not everyone is on Facebook or other social media that still want to know whats going on. Now there is a place for everybody.

All you have to do is sign up with your business and we will approve your account. That’s it … you add your events at anytime and they are automatically placed on the events calendar for all to see FOR FREE.

Planning an event and want to see if it other events may coincide with you plans? Our plan is to have the most events in one place to help you plan your events and attend others.

BVI Calendar will also be adding events when we see them or if you contact us. All we ask is that you send all the required information for each event.

Want to be featured with an article or video? Let us know and we will make arrangements to make that happen for you.

This is an early release of BVI Calendar and it’s up to you, the community to keep it going, help us help you and we will see you at an upcoming event.

For more information send us an email at bvicalendar@outlook.com

Thank you.

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